Friday, August 26, 2011

Put Feet To Your Faith

Jesus had ministered all day to a crowd of thousands. Toward the end of the day the disciples came to Jesus with a problem. They were in the middle of nowhere, it was late, and the people had not eaten. The disciples wanted Jesus to send the people away so they could go and find food for themselves and their families. Then Jesus did something that seemed strange to the disciples. He said, "You give them something to eat". The disciples started reasoning. They considered how much money it would take, and where they would have to go to obtain food for so many people. Honestly, they thought He was being unreasonable. They had already considered all the natural resources and options, and Jesus' response to them did not fit into their natural reasoning. The one thing they had failed to consider was Jesus. They had with them the one who created them and everything else they could see or touch. Serving as a man, but completely filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus was not bound by the natural order of things. He simply told the disciples to have the people sit down in an orderly manner. Then He took what provision they had (5 loaves of bread and two fish) looked up to heaven, prayed, and then had the disciples begin serving. Wow! He recognized the need. He understood the Father's heart and love for the people. He prayed accordingly. Then, He began serving the need of the people. And Guess What? The Father did not disappoint. He took that small offering and rewarded them with abundance. Everyone ate till they were satisfied, and then the disciples picked up twelve baskets full of leftovers. One more thing; immediately after this great victory, Jesus started preparing for his next assignment. He sent the disciples on their way, and He went to pray.

If you are in a situation today that seems impossible...I mean you have looked at it from every way you can think of and there is just no way out...turn to God. Listen to what he is telling you to do. You need to shut off your reasoning, listen to your what Jesus did. You serve a miracle working God. Consider these five things:
1. Recognize the need
2. Seek God through scripture, godly council, and time alone with him so you can understand his heart concerning the matter...always remembering how much he loves you.
3. Pray according to His will, always giving thanks.
4. Then start working toward the goal, trusting God to meet you at your point of need.
5. When (not if) the need is met, prayerfully set your sights on your next assignment.

Trust God... you will not be disappointed. He is growing your faith muscles.
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."

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