Thursday, October 13, 2011

He Saw Their Faith

Jesus was in a house teaching the people, and the power of God was present to heal the sick. There were some men who had a paralyzed friend. They carried him on a mat to the house where Jesus was teaching. These men believed their friend was going to be healed that day. When they arrived the place was packed. They couldn't even get in the door, so they tried another approach. There were some stairs on the side of the house leading up to the roof, so they carried their friend up the stairs. Then they dug a hole through the roof large enough to put their friend through, and they lowered him down...right in front of Jesus. In all three accounts of this event, in the life and ministry of Jesus, it says the same thing. Jesus saw the faith of the friends and the paralytic was healed. It wasn't the faith of the Paralytic that blessed Jesus; it was the faith of the friends. And the Lord's response was one of love, salvation, and healing.

This story in the bible, of the paralytic being healed when Jesus saw the faith of his friends, should be very encouraging to all believers. This tells us that we can have a profound effect on the lives of others. Who are you believing for today? Is it an unsaved loved one, a sick friend, a rebellious child, or a spouse that has withdrawn from you emotionally? Don't stop believing that God has a plan of salvation, deliverance, and healing for that very situation. He sees your faith, and He loves the fact that you care for that person. Jesus is blessed that you share your faith with them, and that you pray for them. If the paralytic's friends had decided to just take him home when they saw the crowd, instead of pressing in and making a way to get their friend to Jesus, he would have never received his healing.

I believe that sometimes we are very close to the manifestation of the miracles we are believing for, when we give up. I believe that angels weep on many occasions because they are unable to carry out their instructions to deliver blessings to God's children, because we turn off our faith. It is like shutting off a water faucet when the life giving water is on its way through the hose. God has poured out a super-abundance of grace through His precious Son Jesus Christ. Receive it by faith for someone you love today. What you make happen for others God will make happen for you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Don't Fear Man

Jesus healed a woman who had been suffering for twelve years with an issue of blood. Before coming to Jesus she spent all of her money on doctors, but none of them could heal her. She heard about Jesus and she knew in her heart He was the answer she had been looking for. But in order for her to get to Jesus she would have to do something that would be frowned upon by the people of her community. In fact, the religious law of that day said a woman in her condition was unclean, not allowed in public, and certainly not allowed to touch someone like Jesus. But knowing that the punishment for such a "crime" was possible death, it was still exactly what she intended to do. She believed if she could only get close enough to touch Him, even the border of His garment, she would be healed. So she did it.

And as soon as she did, Jesus stopped in His tracks because He felt power go out of His body. ”Who touched me?” he said. The woman came forth finally and admitted what she had done. Jesus pronounced her well, and said it was her faith that made her well.
The woman received a supernatural touch from the King of Kings. By the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through Him she immediately received her miracle. But what if she hadn't gone through with it? What if on the day of her great plan to press through the crowd and touch this great healer she heard about, she hesitated just long enough to start thinking about the consequences her actions might bring? “What if someone recognizes me...what are people gonna think... what are they gonna say...what are they gonna do?” It might have been all it would have taken to prevent her from going through with it. If she had thought about it too much, if she had started letting doubt come into her mind, she may have missed out on this beautiful blessing of God. As it turned out she didn't let doubt interfere with her plans. And people did talk. They continue to talk about her nearly 2000 years later. How against all odds, this brave woman risked her dignity, her reputation, indeed even her life, just for an opportunity to touch the Messiah everyone was talking about.

It really paid off for that woman, and you know what? The same opportunity is still available for you and me today. Jesus may not be walking through your town today in the natural, but the Bible teaches us that He is more readily available today than He was back then. Now we can have Him one on one all the time. His promise is once we receive Him as Lord and Savior; He will never leave us or forsake us.

Many of us believe that God can do anything, but we have trouble believing He will do it for us. Oh we like to say we believe, but deep down in our hearts there is always that fear. Our thoughts might go something like this:
"What will people think, what will they say if I begin to confess healing over my body in the name of Jesus? Many of the people in my church think that miracles don't happen anymore. Some of our friends have serious medical issues and are under a doctor’s care. And then of course there are those who have lost loved ones to illness. How am I to face them if I begin saying that God wants us well, that sickness is never from God, and it is never His will for us to die from illness. Besides, I don't want to be known as one of those crazy Holy Rollers. Maybe it's better if I just leave well enough alone. We have done pretty well up to now. I think I will call tomorrow and make a doctors appointment."

Beloved brothers and sisters please hear me. I have dealt with all of those same excuses, and still struggle with some of them. As a matter of fact, all of those objections are still very real for most of the people in my little portion of the world. But they are not reality. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He said he only did those things He saw His Father do, so we know that it is God's will to heal, to provide, to encourage, to love...and it always will be. But one thing that can keep you from receiving all that God has for you is the fear of man. You may say, "I am not afraid of anyone." But the truth is that if we truly believe, but hesitate to press in to God (unlike the woman with the issue of blood) we are demonstrating some sort of fear of man. Jesus tells us that without faith no one can please God, but do not stop reading the scripture there. Let's look at the whole scripture, including the promise that comes next.
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.~ Hebrews 11:6 

This problem of being more afraid of what man thinks, than what God says is nothing new. Jeremiah had this same problem, and God told him not to be afraid of their faces. He meant don’t worry about what people think. And one thing we can be sure of, if God tells us not to be afraid of something it is because if we listen to Him, He will protect us from whatever He has told us not to be afraid of. When you try to live by faith, you will have opposition. Much of it will come from those who know you the best. Again, this is nothing new. Jesus had the same problem. Make the decision today to trust God. Believe Him to provide for the needs in your life, and do not worry about what people think. This will make Him very happy, and it will cause you to receive the results you are looking for.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Only Believe

   A man named Jairus came to Jesus once asking Him to come to his house. He was very distraught because his twelve year old daughter was sick and dying. Jesus went with him. While walking they were slowed by the crowd, and Jesus also healed a sick woman on the way. Before they could make it to Jairus' home the little girl died. Someone from Jairus' home brought the news, but it didn't faze Jesus. He continued on to the house, telling the sad dad, "don't be afraid, just believe, and she will be healed." Jesus only allowed Peter, James, and John (in that order) to follow Him inside when they arrived at the house. There were lots of people wailing and playing flutes (religious custom of the time –a kind of ritualistic mourning). Jesus told them to stop because the little girl was not dead but only sleeping. They laughed at Him, because they knew she was dead. Jesus put them all outside except Peter, James, and John, and the girl's parents. He grabbed the girl by the hand and told her to get up. Her spirit went back into her body; she got up, and had something to eat.

    Just moments before, everyone thought Jesus was too late. Well not everyone, because Jesus did not put everyone out of the room. Peter, James, and John - in that order - were allowed to follow...and the child's parents were also allowed to stay with Jesus, and then there was the little girl. That left just the seven of them, leaving no unbelief in the room. Jesus was not affected by time, even though many seemed to think so. Even when everything in the natural looked like it was too late to save the little girl; Jesus was not moved by what He saw or what people said. But the one thing He was, or should I say would have been hindered by, was unbelief. That is why he was quick to put all those laughing, doubting, scoffers out of the presence of the girl, leaving only those who were about to witness her being raised from the dead.

Yes the God of all life was on the seen, and He was there to call life back into the body of that little girl, and the only thing that could hinder that prayer of faith, was unbelief. Just like a rope in a game of tug-o-war being pulled in both directions, so it is with faith and unbelief. Faith can move mountains, but unbelief can hinder the manifestation of the answered prayer. One time for that very reason Jesus was unable to perform many miracles in his own home town. The people were carnal; they only saw Jesus as the boy they had known growing up in that town. So He left the town only having done a couple of small healings.

   Dear friend, today you may have something in your life that seems dead, looking as if there is no hope of resurrection. It may be a marriage, a job, a ministry, or a relationship with a friend, a child, or a loved one. It might be in your financial situation. You may not know where you are going to be living tomorrow in the natural. They may have told you that your home is being foreclosed on, that the company you work for is going out of business, or that your mother is on her death bed. You may have a child that has nothing to do with you because of the terrible way you use to live before you knew God. Let me tell you, God is not moved by time or appearance. It does not matter what the situation looks like, or what anyone says about it. God has the final say.
   Look at this message Jesus was sending to you in the shadows even when he was going about resurrecting this little girl almost 2000 yrs. ago. Do you remember me pointing out that Jesus only allowed Peter, James, & John to follow him (in that order)? Remember nothing is in the Bible by chance. God is a God of order and detail. Look at the meaning of the names that followed Jesus: Peter (stone), James (same as Jacob - Supplant: to take the place of and serve as a substitute for especially by reason of superior excellence or power), John (God is gracious). Let me say it like this; when Jesus came the stone (or the law), was supplanted (replaced) by the grace of god. And the grace of God knows no bounds. Because of what Jesus Christ has done on the cross we now have the resurrection power of God at our disposal.

    If you are a born again Christian you have that power living on the inside of you. So no matter what your situation looks like today, you need only believe. Believe and do not doubt that Jesus is ready, willing, and able to breathe resurrection life into every apparently dead situation in your life. Do not settle for less than complete resurrection life, complete restoration, and complete victory regarding everything the devil has tried to stake a claim to. Speak life over your situation today in the name of Jesus. Don't stop short of the manifestation of your victory. Jesus is right there with you. Put all doubt and doubters out of your life, or at least do not give them access to these delicate areas of your life. Do not allow them to influence you. Do not give way to unbelief. It is not too late for God. The answer to your prayer is not affected by time, but it can be affected by unbelief. Trust God and you will not be made ashamed.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Jesus Is Approaching The Shore Of Your Graveyard Home

 Having calmed the fierce storm encountered that night on the sea, Jesus stepped off the boat. Right away he was met by a crazy man living in the tombs...naked, homeless, violent...possessed by demons. He cried out to Jesus asking "what do you want", and begging him not to torture him. But wasn't him at was the demons living inside the man compelling him to speak out - thousands of them (a Legion-being somewhere between 3000 and 6000). They recognized Jesus as the Son of God, and though they had no part with him as Savior (having given up their home in heaven) they still knew him as judge. They were terrified of his power. But Jesus was not interested in the demons. He knew their time was coming. He would eventually throw Satan and all of his messengers into the Abyss (Rev. Ch.'s 9 & 20), but this was not the time. No, Jesus was after something else. He was there for the man. This man who was tormented, destitute, and ragged... Jesus was there for him. This was not the man that God had created him to be, and Jesus intended to set him free. The demons begged to be sent into a herd of pigs and Jesus allowed it. He didn't care about them, but he was not going to allow them to torture this man he loved any longer. Once Jesus gave the command, the man was freed from the demonic oppression. He was so grateful he wanted to go with Jesus, but he was not allowed. He was sent home to tell his loved ones and others in the town what God had done for him, and he did just that.

Many of us can identify with the man living in the tombs. Maybe never tormented to that extent, but even so, we have known rejection, anger, and poverty. Many of us even while living in a relatively comfortable environment have really been living in the tombs of our past. Tormented by depression, regret, fear, bitterness ...well, you get the point. Let me say this - If that is the case with you, Jesus is approaching the shore of your graveyard home. He loves you, and just as he contended with a violent storm on the sea to get to the man of the Geresenes almost 2000 yrs. ago, he will never stop short of rescuing you from your oppression - if you want him to. Jesus came so that we could live the abundant life we were created for.

The abundant life does not mean having anything we want in this world, although God is not against us having things - as long as we have proper perspective, putting him first in all things and using what we obtain to further his kingdom and bring him glory. The abundant life means living the life of an over-comer, free from the oppression of the devil and his messengers. When we are free of all the bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, lust and other baggage that weighs us down, then we will live a live of peace, love, and joy...the abundant life.

 When Jesus sets us free we are free indeed. And, just like the man from the tombs, we will want to tell everyone about God's goodness and his redeeming power. Yes, once you have a real encounter with Jesus it automatically makes you an evangelist, eager to share the good news with others. But you know what; it gets even more exciting than that. Only continue reading if you want all that God has for you.

When Jesus went away he promised to send the Holy Spirit, as one who comes along side of us, (a Parakleet) teaching and guiding us, and empowering us to do the will of the Father, just as He did. Yes, Jesus said those of us who believe in him will do greater things than He did. And what did He do? Well let's see what Peter said about it...Acts 10:38 "...God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and Power, and he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.".  Brothers and sisters, when Jesus comes to live in us, he wants to continue the ministry he began 2000 yrs. ago. He wants to continue it through us:

Read this confession out loud, then we will pray. - “I believe that Jesus wants to use me to continue his ministry in the earth. He was the first of many brethren, of which I am one. I am an ambassador of Christ here in this fallen world. Jesus saved me, therefore he lives in me; therefore it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. He loves people. It is my responsibility as a child of the most high God to allow Christ in me, by the power of the Holy Spirit - to heal the sick, through me - to set the captives free, through me - to feed the hungry, through me - to preach the gospel, through me - to bind up the broken, through me. I purpose in my heart that by the faith of Christ, the Grace of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit, that I choose to allow him to make me into the person he created me to be, and to do all the things he predestined me to do. I acknowledge that apart from Jesus Christ I can do nothing, but I also acknowledge that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I give all glory to God, so I expect and allow him to do all the work through me."

Prayer: "Father I believe this to be your desire and so it is mine too. Let me not be in error, neither to the left nor to the right, but keep my feet squarely planted on the Rock, my Lord Jesus Christ.  If there is anything lacking in me, show me, so I can ask you to fill that space. In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

Awesome! Do you see the progression of God's plan of salvation for your life?
1. First you must be saved and set free.
2. That will enable and empower you to share the good news with others.
3. Then learn to walk by the power of the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus did, able by the faith of Christ, to unleash the power of God, his love, and grace into every situation.

It's as simple as 1, 2, 3 (just kidding about the simple part). Actually it is impossible, apart from The Holy Spirit, to live the Christian life, but with him it is made simple - so don't ever get ahead of him, but don't get left behind. Stay close to Jesus and enjoy the adventure.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Faithful In The Storm

In the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke we find a story of the disciples being in a boat with Jesus. A great storm came up suddenly and the wind and the waves threatened to sink the boat. All the while Jesus was in the back of the boat sleeping. The gospel of Mark (4:38) reveals a really bad heart condition among the disciples. They ask the Lord if he even cares if they drown. He got up, rebuked the wind and the waves, and all was calm. In all three accounts, when Jesus addresses the disciples regarding the matter, he makes note that it is a faith issue; their lack of faith, to be more specific. They assumed that just because Jesus was sleeping he did not care. They let their natural minds go wild and they assumed all the worst. They thought they would be overcome by the storm and die. They believed there was nothing that could be done, and they believed that their master did not care.

We can take many lessons from the disciples. That is one of the reasons these accounts were written. Their hearts were hardened concerning the miracles they had already seen Jesus perform. They acted on what they were seeing right then instead of trusting in the faithfulness of God. Once they let fear take hold of them, they allowed it to manifest in spoken words of doubt and unbelief. If Jesus had not saved them they probably would have died, but he did save them. They had forgotten that before they left on the boat trip Jesus had said "let's go over to the other side", not”let's go out to the middle and drown". If Jesus would have spoken something that was not true, the entire universe - which is held together by his words - would have come unwound!

Let's learn from the disciples. When you are enduring terrible storms in this life, or even little squalls, don't panic. Our storms may be natural, like a great hurricane or tornado, or they may be the storms of life which can cause terrible pain and anxiety, if we let our emotions get the best of us. Remember that we are not to use the beautiful imagination that God has given us for worry. It never helps our tomorrows, it only saps our today(s) of their joy. You see, although the disciples were with Jesus in the flesh, they did not know him like we do. That's right; the disciples were still in the dark concerning many things about the Lord, unlike us today. We have the history of his ministry and purpose for our lives in his word. Not only that, but Jesus said it was better that he went away, so he could send a counselor, the Holy Spirit to be with us.
The Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Truth) is now in us- if we are born again- and he teaches us all things, and reminds us of all the things Jesus has said to us. So instead of Jesus just being in one place at a time, all of us born again Christians have our own personal Jesus living in us. Awesome! It is time we acknowledge that truth as truth, and quit acting like he is so far away, and that he may or may not show up for us, because he may or may not care what happens to us. Instead of magnifying the problems in our life, we are to magnify the Lord. Acknowledge that he is right here with us, that he loves us, that he cares for us, and that he is faithful. 
 Begin to praise him, meditate on his word, be thankful for the things he has already done and will do, and pray in the Holy Spirit. We need to use the authority he has given us by speaking to the storms of life ourselves, in the name of Jesus. Before long the problems of today will only be memories with a happy ending of how the Lord was once again faithful to bring us through.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Put Feet To Your Faith

Jesus had ministered all day to a crowd of thousands. Toward the end of the day the disciples came to Jesus with a problem. They were in the middle of nowhere, it was late, and the people had not eaten. The disciples wanted Jesus to send the people away so they could go and find food for themselves and their families. Then Jesus did something that seemed strange to the disciples. He said, "You give them something to eat". The disciples started reasoning. They considered how much money it would take, and where they would have to go to obtain food for so many people. Honestly, they thought He was being unreasonable. They had already considered all the natural resources and options, and Jesus' response to them did not fit into their natural reasoning. The one thing they had failed to consider was Jesus. They had with them the one who created them and everything else they could see or touch. Serving as a man, but completely filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus was not bound by the natural order of things. He simply told the disciples to have the people sit down in an orderly manner. Then He took what provision they had (5 loaves of bread and two fish) looked up to heaven, prayed, and then had the disciples begin serving. Wow! He recognized the need. He understood the Father's heart and love for the people. He prayed accordingly. Then, He began serving the need of the people. And Guess What? The Father did not disappoint. He took that small offering and rewarded them with abundance. Everyone ate till they were satisfied, and then the disciples picked up twelve baskets full of leftovers. One more thing; immediately after this great victory, Jesus started preparing for his next assignment. He sent the disciples on their way, and He went to pray.

If you are in a situation today that seems impossible...I mean you have looked at it from every way you can think of and there is just no way out...turn to God. Listen to what he is telling you to do. You need to shut off your reasoning, listen to your what Jesus did. You serve a miracle working God. Consider these five things:
1. Recognize the need
2. Seek God through scripture, godly council, and time alone with him so you can understand his heart concerning the matter...always remembering how much he loves you.
3. Pray according to His will, always giving thanks.
4. Then start working toward the goal, trusting God to meet you at your point of need.
5. When (not if) the need is met, prayerfully set your sights on your next assignment.

Trust God... you will not be disappointed. He is growing your faith muscles.
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Don't Worry

 5 Facts About Worry:

 Worry is a down-payment on something that may never happen.

 Worry opens doors to demonic attacks.

 Worry causes stress.

 Worry is a perversion of the beautiful imagination God has given you.

 Worry Is sin.

 5 Cool Quotes Regarding Worry:

If things go wrong, don't go with them.  ~Roger Babson

I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace, harmony, health, love and abundance.  Then, whenever doubt, anxiety or fear try to call me, they keep getting a busy signal - and soon they'll forget my number.  ~Edith Armstrong

Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.  ~Glenn Turner

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.  ~Leo Buscaglia

Drag your thoughts away from your troubles... by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it.  ~Mark Twain

What did Jesus Say about Worry?
5x2 Scriptures (Double Portion)

 Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? "Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith! And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. ~ Luke 12: 22-32

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Don't Forget Who You Are

Imagine a king in a magnificent and glorious kingdom. In this kingdom are all the riches and treasures you could ever dream of. It is a land of peace. Everyone loves one another, and there is no lack. One day the king speaks to his son, whom he dearly loves. He tells this son there is trouble in another land; a land far away, full of other people whom he loves as well. They are suffering terribly; drought, famine, poverty, sickness, and fear have taken hold of the land. These terrible problems have caused the people to do things they normally would not have done... and to lose hope. He asks his son to go to this land and help the people. He gives him everything he has at his disposal to use as a means to rectify the problems in that place. The son enthusiastically agrees to go to help the people of the far away land. He heads out on his journey; taking with him silver and gold, precious things, caravans of food supplies, fresh water, medicine, and valuable information from all the sharpest minds of his kingdom. Information designed to teach the people of the land to understand the cause of their problems, as well as valuable information on how to solve them.

Much time went by, and back at his home the king heard nothing from his son. He waited for a very long time, but when he still received no word from his son, he sent others to find him. They went to the distant land to find the kings son. When they arrived they found things to be worse than they ever imagined. The people of the distant land were in serious trouble. The condition of the people was worse than they had heard about, and all the people were very sick. They had no money for food, no medicine for the sickness that ran rampant, and no one seemed to have any hope or ideas for a brighter future. They found the kings son, and to their amazement he was curled up in the corner of a hut, in a village over-run with poverty, sickness, and despair. He had become one of them. When they approached him he was startled, and then began to weep, asking them why they had taken so long. “Why has my father done nothing? Why has he left us here with no hope of the future?” The messengers did not know how to respond, they simply said, "you had everything you needed...we thought you would have used the things your father gave you to help the people, and yourself. That's why you came here. We found all of the supplies and information in the valley on the other side of the hill. Why did you abandon them?”

Does it seem strange to you that the son would have abandoned the supplies and all the other things his father had given him as aide to the people? How could he have forgotten his purpose for going to the far away land? He didn't even take care of himself. He became like them. He had everything he needed to help the people, as well as provide for himself. Yet when the searchers arrived he blamed them, and his father, for having done nothing. If the father would have been there, what do you think his response might have been to the son?

As strange as this story sounds, the reality of it will hit way too close to home for most of us living as Christians today. The job the son went so eagerly to do, is the job assigned to every Christian today by our Father in heaven. Jesus said it is expedient that I leave so that I can send you a comforter, a counselor, a guide...the Holy Spirit. Jesus was to be the first of many brethren, implying there were to be others like him.

 Beloved, the ideas many Christians have that life here on earth is something to be endured until that day when we finally see Jesus and are completely transformed into His image in the twinkling of an eye, are in many ways erroneous. Yes on that day we will know fully the things which we do not know now, and yes we will put off this body of flesh for an eternal one, but the truth is we have a job to do while we are here on earth.

 We are ambassadors here, sent by a loving Father, King, and God of all creation to administer help to the lost, sick, and dying people in this far away land called the world. In Christ, our Father has given us everything we need to help these people and ourselves. We have the very power that raised Christ from the dead living on the inside of us. Not only that, but we have the very mind of Christ in our born again spirit. As a matter of fact, His Word tells us that He has given us everything we need pertaining to life and godliness. In our born again spirit we have God's character:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We have Jesus' very own peace given to us as a gift. If you have taken the journey through the book of Romans, and actually applied those truths to your life, then you have laid down your life, now saying "it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me".

Brothers and Sisters we are a peculiar people, set apart by God, for God, to do with as He pleases. He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, and it is time that the true sons of God step up and be counted. It is time for the church to go public. We are not to be conformed to this world. We are here to administer assistance to the sick and dying. We have the fullness of the Godhead dwelling in us, because on the cross of Christ there was a divine exchange that took place. Now having accepted the exchange we are to be adorned with all the gifts of the Spirit, and set apart as the chosen bride of Christ. We have been given authority in His name to do His work in the world.

We are to strengthen the weak by administering the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We are to heal the sick. We are to bind up the injured by administering inner healing and deliverance from the oppression of the devil. And we are to evangelize, seeking the lost and bringing back those who have strayed away from God's protection. We are instructed and empowered not only to do these things, but also to prophesy and speak life into any situation that does not line up with the word of God. Poverty, sickness, disease, depression, strife, divorce, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, rebellion, and any other ungodly spirit or aspect of the curse that rears its head is to be cut off with the sword of the Spirit - the Word of God. We are to disciple others and to be discipled ourselves, enjoying and exploring the measure and gifts of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are to submit to one another in love.

Somehow many of us, as if leaving all of our provisions in the valleys of our lives, have neglected to administer (or really even seek to obtain) the provisions God has provided for us through the sacrifice of His precious son Jesus. My friends, let us consider the question asked by the writer of Hebrews, inspired by the Holy Spirit: "How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?"

We are just travelers passing through, heading to our eternal destiny with our heavenly bridegroom...looking forward to the "well done", and a seat at the table upon arrival.

" shall pass before your brethren armed, all the mighty men of valour, and help them; Until the LORD have given your brethren rest, as he hath given you, and they also have possessed the land which the LORD your God giveth them: then ye shall return unto the land of your possession, and enjoy it..." Joshua 1:14, 15

Monday, August 15, 2011

Covered In Rainbows

Not long after I was saved, I had a wonderful encounter with God. Jesus had saved me and I was glad of it, but my heart was broken by all the wreckage of my past. I was continually in the word and hungry for God. 

One day I stopped to put gas in my car, and while I was standing at the pump I was overwhelmed with grief, sorrow, and a longing for God. I remember looking into the sun. It was beautiful as it set that evening... and though He seemed very distant from my heart, somehow at that moment, I knew that I had an audience with our Creator. Looking into that sunset, with tears streaming down my face, I cried out, "Lord I'm Seeking You"!

At that very moment, as if someone tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around. As I turned, I was completely enveloped by the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen. It was right if  God himself had taken His brush and painted it over my head as I looked toward the sun and cried out to Him. It touched the ground on both sides, and at that moment I felt as if I were getting a glimpse into heaven. The tears began to flow even more as I was keenly aware of God's love and presence. I knew that rainbow had been placed there just for me, as a loving response to a child with a broken and contrite heart, from a caring Father. I didn't know all of the spiritual ramifications of it at the time, but somehow I knew it meant I was protected. It meant He was there and He cared for me enough to show me a beautiful sign of His protection...and love.

Today you may be in a similar situation. Maybe you have received Jesus as your Lord and savior, but you are not experiencing all the blessings you hear about on television. I want to encourage you today. He is right there with you. God promises that if you seek Him, you will find Him. The part people most often leave off of that promise is that it is conditional. He says "you will find me when you seek me with all your heart."

I know now that God never leaves us. The reason we only find him when we seek Him with all our heart is because that is the only time we are freed up from the distractions of this world long enough to hear Him. Do you know that one of the things I was amazed about that day, other than the magnitude and majesty of that amazing rainbow? People were everywhere; all around at the convenience store and gas pumps, and driving by in cars. But it was as if no one saw the rainbow but me. I am not saying nobody else saw it, but as I looked around at the people - as if I were thinking that it would stop traffic and everyone's stare would be locked onto this amazing rainbow, or on me as God was giving me this great revelation - they were not even paying attention. They were too distracted by the cares of this world to even notice.

 If we want all that God has to offer, we need to start by offering Him our time. He just wants to be recognized... He wants to be believed...And just like you and me, He wants to be loved...just for who He is.

Beloved, when God looks at you, it is as if you have a rainbow over your head. He is constantly reminded of the covenant He has made with His beautiful son Jesus. The first rainbow was placed in the sky as a reminder to God and man of His covenant with them not to destroy all life again by flood. But that was just a type of the wonderful covenant of peace we can now enjoy in His precious son Christ Jesus.

 If you belong to Jesus that is all God sees when He looks at you; the beauty and perfection of His beautiful and perfect son. He will never break His promises of love, forgiveness, and blessing toward you, because you are in Christ. Just remember that God wants you to stay aware of the "rainbow"; the covering of the covenant He has with Jesus.

When we do not take time for Him, and keep our mind renewed in His word, we allow the deceptions of the enemy to come into our minds and wreak havoc. So stay in constant communion with your loving Father, by walking in the Love of Jesus, and staying submitted to Him through His word and the Holy Spirit. Put God first... He loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. 

"Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you.." Genesis 9:14, 15  

 "I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good to them..." Jeremiah 32:40

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD..." Jeremiah 29:11-14
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

"...anyone who comes to him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek him." Hebrews 11:6

Friday, August 12, 2011

My Peace I Give To You

 On the last night Jesus spent with His disciples, He had many things to share with them. He gave them instructions, and explained about the Holy Spirit and eternal life. He also warned them of many bad things that would come because they had been chosen by Him. He gave them authority to use His name. Then He prayed for them.

One of the most personal, and beautiful, things He did was give them His peace. Jesus’ peace allowed Him to sleep in the midst of the storm, to speak to His creation and tell it to be still. His peace allowed Him to walk untouched through the midst of those trying to throw Him off a cliff. His peace allowed Him to never be carnal, to always forgive, to always love, and to always be in communion with the Father. Not only did He give this peace to them, but He made sure to let them know He would not take it back from them. Unlike people of this world, who might give and take...Jesus only gives.

Brothers and sisters, today if you are struggling to be at peace, turn to Jesus. He has provided for your peace. This is a peace you can have in the midst of the storms of life. No matter who or what is coming against you. If you are having problems with your marriage, friendships, children, your finances, or if you have sickness in your body - Jesus says “let not your heart be troubled or afraid". On the cross He provided for every need you will ever have.

 Use the authority He has given you. Speak to the mountains in your life. Say, "spirit of poverty, strife, rejection, fear, sickness...Jesus told me you were coming, but I have news for you. You cannot stay. Jesus has already defeated you, and right now, in the name of Jesus, I command you to go and not return." Now believe that it is done, and begin to praise your God who cannot lie. Call upon the gift of peace given to you by your loving Savior. Allow it to dominate you. Fill your mind with the beautiful promises in God's word and be at peace. Jesus loves you, and He is interceding for you even now.

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

 "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!" Isaiah 26:3 NLT

"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 KJV

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Don't Be Afraid

After Jesus fed the 5000 with five loaves and two fish, He sent the disciples in a boat to Bethsaida, and He went to pray. They ran into some trouble on the water. They rowed all night against heavy wind, they were straining at the oars, and they had only made it to the middle of the lake. In a vision, Jesus saw they were in trouble so He walked to them on the water. When they saw Him they thought He was a ghost and were terrified. But Jesus spoke to them and said, "Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid." He got in the boat and the wind died down.

The disciples should have known Jesus would take care of them. He hand picked each one of them to be His disciples. Only hours before, He had miraculously fed 5000 people with just 5 loaves and two fish. Still the bible says they were amazed, because their hearts were hardened regarding the miracles He had already performed.

Today, if you are facing tough situations in your life, remember that Jesus is right there with you. He will never leave you or forsake you, and He is more powerful than any situation or weapon that can come against you. He handpicked you to be His disciple, and He is very protective of you. Think back on all the tough times in your life and consider the fact that they are now only memories. He has delivered you from every trial, and He will continue to be there for you.
 Recognize Jesus for who He is; your friend, your brother, your healer, your provider, your redeemer, your King...your God. Speak to Him as if He were sitting right there with you, because He is. He is willing and able to help in every situation. Do not limit Him by doubting, or complaining. He loves you, and no matter how deep you have gotten yourself into trouble, He wants you to enjoy the peace that only He can provide. Begin speaking to Him now...go ahead talk... He is listening.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Be Aware Of His Presence

 Once I was going through some tough situations and circumstances. As a Christian, I am aware that we are not to turn against people, because the real battle is in the unseen or spiritual realm.

 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12

But I was magnifying my problems, which was actually giving the enemy more authority to move in my life. When I prayed and asked the Lord what to do, He simply said, "Stay close to me, they are afraid of me." I thought it was interesting. But you know what? Of course, He was right. It was not that He had ever gone away, but He knew my awareness of His presence had slipped as I magnified the works of the enemy coming against me. As I began to focus on Jesus, and bring my mind back into an awareness of His presence... the enemy began to flee in terror of the King.

"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you.  He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Today, if you are going through trials, no matter who or what they are dealing with; your marriage, friendships, life choices, children, finances, sickness, or even your relationship with the Lord... try practicing His presence. He is right there with you. The spiritual realm is more real than anything you can see or touch. As you begin to magnify the Lord, meditate on His presence and the fact that he loves you, He will begin to give you strength and courage. Not because you are powerful on your own, but because He is strong and powerful, He loves you, and He is right there with you.