Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Only Believe

   A man named Jairus came to Jesus once asking Him to come to his house. He was very distraught because his twelve year old daughter was sick and dying. Jesus went with him. While walking they were slowed by the crowd, and Jesus also healed a sick woman on the way. Before they could make it to Jairus' home the little girl died. Someone from Jairus' home brought the news, but it didn't faze Jesus. He continued on to the house, telling the sad dad, "don't be afraid, just believe, and she will be healed." Jesus only allowed Peter, James, and John (in that order) to follow Him inside when they arrived at the house. There were lots of people wailing and playing flutes (religious custom of the time –a kind of ritualistic mourning). Jesus told them to stop because the little girl was not dead but only sleeping. They laughed at Him, because they knew she was dead. Jesus put them all outside except Peter, James, and John, and the girl's parents. He grabbed the girl by the hand and told her to get up. Her spirit went back into her body; she got up, and had something to eat.

    Just moments before, everyone thought Jesus was too late. Well not everyone, because Jesus did not put everyone out of the room. Peter, James, and John - in that order - were allowed to follow...and the child's parents were also allowed to stay with Jesus, and then there was the little girl. That left just the seven of them, leaving no unbelief in the room. Jesus was not affected by time, even though many seemed to think so. Even when everything in the natural looked like it was too late to save the little girl; Jesus was not moved by what He saw or what people said. But the one thing He was, or should I say would have been hindered by, was unbelief. That is why he was quick to put all those laughing, doubting, scoffers out of the presence of the girl, leaving only those who were about to witness her being raised from the dead.

Yes the God of all life was on the seen, and He was there to call life back into the body of that little girl, and the only thing that could hinder that prayer of faith, was unbelief. Just like a rope in a game of tug-o-war being pulled in both directions, so it is with faith and unbelief. Faith can move mountains, but unbelief can hinder the manifestation of the answered prayer. One time for that very reason Jesus was unable to perform many miracles in his own home town. The people were carnal; they only saw Jesus as the boy they had known growing up in that town. So He left the town only having done a couple of small healings.

   Dear friend, today you may have something in your life that seems dead, looking as if there is no hope of resurrection. It may be a marriage, a job, a ministry, or a relationship with a friend, a child, or a loved one. It might be in your financial situation. You may not know where you are going to be living tomorrow in the natural. They may have told you that your home is being foreclosed on, that the company you work for is going out of business, or that your mother is on her death bed. You may have a child that has nothing to do with you because of the terrible way you use to live before you knew God. Let me tell you, God is not moved by time or appearance. It does not matter what the situation looks like, or what anyone says about it. God has the final say.
   Look at this message Jesus was sending to you in the shadows even when he was going about resurrecting this little girl almost 2000 yrs. ago. Do you remember me pointing out that Jesus only allowed Peter, James, & John to follow him (in that order)? Remember nothing is in the Bible by chance. God is a God of order and detail. Look at the meaning of the names that followed Jesus: Peter (stone), James (same as Jacob - Supplant: to take the place of and serve as a substitute for especially by reason of superior excellence or power), John (God is gracious). Let me say it like this; when Jesus came the stone (or the law), was supplanted (replaced) by the grace of god. And the grace of God knows no bounds. Because of what Jesus Christ has done on the cross we now have the resurrection power of God at our disposal.

    If you are a born again Christian you have that power living on the inside of you. So no matter what your situation looks like today, you need only believe. Believe and do not doubt that Jesus is ready, willing, and able to breathe resurrection life into every apparently dead situation in your life. Do not settle for less than complete resurrection life, complete restoration, and complete victory regarding everything the devil has tried to stake a claim to. Speak life over your situation today in the name of Jesus. Don't stop short of the manifestation of your victory. Jesus is right there with you. Put all doubt and doubters out of your life, or at least do not give them access to these delicate areas of your life. Do not allow them to influence you. Do not give way to unbelief. It is not too late for God. The answer to your prayer is not affected by time, but it can be affected by unbelief. Trust God and you will not be made ashamed.

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